Friday, July 24, 2009

Packing Up

Thought I would give a quick update. I haven't been able to get online for a while. My computer is completely dead and I haven't had access to Michael's. Right now I am sitting in a motel room near South Padre Island in Texas. I can hear Spanish music blaring from the little bar downstairs. Apparently, they have a band playing tonight. Of course. Accordions and mariachi-style beats - I still feel like I'm in Saltillo.

On Wednesday, Michael and I packed up the van with the boxes of items we need to ship home and headed to Laredo, Texas. Our little house in Mexico feels sad without my pictures on the wall, my favorite blankets, and overly-used DVD player. Most of the closets are empty and the house feels empty, too. It's a weird feeling. Our time in Mexico is quickly coming to an end.

After spending the night in Laredo, we headed to McAllen to pick up Michael's parents from the airport. Chuck and Kathy will spend a few days with us in Mexico, help us finish packing up, and make the long trip home with us, four dogs, and possibly one cat. Could be an interesting journey.

Today we spend some time at South Padre Island. Tomorrow we will head back to the island and/or take a drive to Brownsville, then we will head for the border. We plan to visit a few of our favorite restaurants in Mexico, go to a couple markets, and visit with some friends. Then we pack up the van and head back to Michigan on Tuesday - hoping to arrive home on Wednesday night. Please pray for a safe trip. Can't wait to see you all soon!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Spiders and moths and scorpions, oh my!

So... I thought I would add a little post of things that make me jump, scream, run, almost cry...

First of all, I should let you know that my computer crashed a few days ago. It was acting very strange, so I shut it down. When I tried to turn it back on, it informed me that there are files missing or corrupt and it will not go on. The past couple days have been very long without my connection to the outside world. I just got into the habit of watching the first hour of The Today show online with my morning coffee, then checking my emails, looking at Facebook, thinking about posting a new blog... So I have felt a bit lost.

The good news is, the day my computer died, we got our van back. So at least I have a car now and can escape from the house, if I so desire. My computer time may be limited to nights when Michael brings his home. I'll try to keep in touch as much as possible.

Now back to these lovely pictures. The one above is a common sight here in Mexico. HUGE moths! I found this one hanging out in my shower one morning. I thought it was a bat at first. Luckily, he stayed in that corner until I got out. Let's just say it was one of the fastest showers I have ever taken.

These little rolly poley guys are everywhere in our house. I'm not afraid of them, except for the crunch they make when I unexpectedly step on one. It makes me jump every time. I don't know where they come from, but I figure our house is where they come to die. I sweep up large numbers of them on a weekly basis.

Spiders! Where do I even begin? Well, I can start by telling you that one just scurried past as I started this blog. It was one of the larger black ones that can run really fast. Of course, I made a lunge to crush it with my flip flop and missed. It goes without saying that I will be worrying about him for the rest of the night. The one above is of the smaller variety. He decided to set up camp in a matter of hours on my freshly washed laundry.

Above is not a creepy creature, however it has caused some pain. These thorns are outside our house. The dogs are constantly picking them out of their paws. Once in a while, one gets tracked into the house. One day I stepped on one without shoes on - yeah, it hurt.

This large rat was brought to me courtesy of our dog Belle. Apparently she thought I loved disgusting half-chewed rodents. The dead rat didn't alarm me as much as the idea that if there are dead rats this big, there are rats out there alive and well. I am praying this is the last rat I see in Mexico.

Seriously! What is this? There are so many odd looking bugs and creatures. I think this might be some sort of beetle - another very common sight. Beetles in every shape, size and color.

Did I mention how much I despise spiders? I see these large guys lurking around every corner. This type - I have found - is also very speedy. There are many more types of spiders, but I think you get the idea.

What would a true Mexico experience be without cockroaches? I wouldn't know. The first day we moved into our house I found one on our bedroom wall. Once in a while I see one racing across the floor. For a while, they disappeared. But the other night I watched in wonder as our cat tried to climb up the wall. I thought he had finally gone nuts, but when I went to investigate, I realized that he was simply trying to make a new friend - or he thought we got him a fun new toy. I got onto a chair and swiped it off the ceiling with a flyswatter, but before I could smash it, the cat swooped in, grabbed it, and ran off. I chased him around the house, made him drop it, and quickly put an end to the game. Sorry, buddy. Maybe I'll get you a little ball with some bells or a cat-nip stuffed mouse.

We also have mosquitoes that enjoy snacking at night and the common housefly. I killed a little scorpion the other day, but in my haste and frantic wallops, it was no longer picture-worthy.

Most days go by without a sighting of the more ugly side of Mexico. And all in all, I have to remind myself that this is part of the adventure.

Tomorrow we head back to South Padre Island. We plan to camp on the beach again for a night and return Sunday.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Home for the Fourth

I made a quick trip to Michigan last week to visit with friends and family. My Fourth of July weekend was wonderful. On Friday night, my brother Tim took me and my parents out on his new boat. We ate pizza on the boat from Sluggo's (aka Snuggies by my dad- ha ha). We cruised out to Lake Michigan to watch the beautiful sunset then headed back to Lake Macatawa and watched the fireworks from the boat. It was a fun night!

My brother Tim and my sister-in-law Jody

Me, my mom, and dad

The Holland pier - lots of birds headed out to see the fireworks as well.

Enjoying the ride

Boats gather in Lake Michigan for a fireworks display - we went to the one on Lake Mac

Me and Jody

I'm a sucker for sunset pictures

On Saturday, I headed up north to Branch. Chuck, Kathy and I went to several garage sales - some lived up to the "north of 10" label - interesting items to say the least. We also went to a little carnival/art show in Manistee. And since we were so close, we stopped at the casino - of course! Saturday night we had a nice dinner and watched a movie - Michael's brother Chad and his wife Kate spent the night, too.

On Sunday morning, I went to visit my sister Deb and her family at Silver Lake. The had a great campsite right on the water. We sat around the campfire, went to the beach, took a couple walks, and got ice cream. I spent the night. A very relaxing weekend!

My brother-in-law Daryl and my grandniece Charlotte
My niece Darcey and her daughter Adria

Adria seems a bit overwhelmed by Charlotte's love

I took a walk to this lighthouse while we were hanging out at the beach

You can climb to the top - notice the people way up there

Nice views from the top of the lighthouse

Darcey's husband Rodney had his mom and step-dad come for a visit on Sunday. Rod's mom made the climb to the top of the lighthouse with me.

Adria thinks I'm funny

Although, sometimes she looks at me with an enormous amount of concern

Me and Darcey

Darcey and Rodney's dog, Clyde, with sand all over his tongue. Clyde is a rescued dog and the poor thing always has his tongue hanging out because he was hit in the head with a shovel when he was a pup. He doesn't seem to mind the sand, though.

More beautiful Michigan sunsets. Kind of reminds me of those inspiring "Visit Michigan" commercials. Can't you just hear the lovely music playing in the background?

An unknowing couple sharing a romantic moment with me lurking behind them taking pictures.