Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tulip Time

It's Tulip Time in Holland. I've been to a parade, ate some junk food (including a $5 elephant ear - wow! They're good but not THAT good!), watched my niece Angie Dutch dance, and I even sniffed a few tulips - but I didn't pick any, heaven forbid.

I don't have much to write, but thought it was time for an update. If you haven't heard, I plan to return to Mexico on June 4. I'm trying to make the most out of my extended stay. I've enjoyed hanging out with my family and my friends and I plan to see more of you in the next few weeks! I'm also planning to plant a garden while I'm here so we have some fresh veggies this summer. Mmmmm.....

1 comment:

MARIANNE said...

Just cause your aren't far away doesn't mean that we dont want pictures of your adventures. Bring out the camera already! :)

Or didn't you bring it?